Statement made at Rally (March 2024)
(link opens Video in a New Browser)
Appears to condone Police Brutality
Give Police immunity from prosecution? |
Stop, and
frisk without probable cause?
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Click image to open in new windowClick image to view Truth
social post
Abuse the
power of government to go after political
foes? Military Tribunals?
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Donald Trump's nephew claims Trump once seriously talked about executing disabled people—including his own son! Of course, anyone can write a book for money. So, it is the former President's word against his nephew's. However, this might be possible considering all of the other times Donald Trump has supported executions. If so, it is extremely heartless to say this about your own nephew's son.
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Former President Trump called his previous post "Fake News!
Suspend the Constitution? |
The #1 issue driving voters to Donald Trump is inflation, and the economy. This video explains how actions he took 10 months before he left office caused higher gas prices.
How oil price hikes boost Russia’s war as drivers pay more for gas
There is no way to confirm or deny these reports. However, considering Trump's admiration for other dictators, does this really matter?
Financial Times: Naivety about Trump threatens all our futures
Chris Vance
Chair of the Washington State Republican Party
(2001–2006), Chair of the Washington State Forward
Party (2022–2023) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
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Hear audio of the Supreme Court Discussion:
The problem: what constitutes an "official act?"
This is an example of a bad Supreme Court decision. The Supreme Court has made other bad decisions, including:
Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)Trump Claims Fake Elector Scheme "an official act."
Thanks to Donald Trump, the Supreme Court has expanded the President's power beyond what the Founder's envisioned. As bad decisions in the past violated rights, the Court has set the precedent that any President could behave in a dictatorial manner. For this reason, we should take all of the statements, goals, and actions of candidate Trump listed on this website even more seriously!TRUTHOUT: Trump Allies Forming “Army” of Ideological Loyalists for 2025 Power Grab
Dictator? Invoke Marshall Law?
To ignore his outrageous statements as only "showmanship" ignores how international relations could be damaged by this rhetoric, and if he invokes the "Insurrection Act"—your Constitutional rights could be suspended.
Trust no one with your freedoms.
The issues of this
election should not be liberal vs. conservative, but
freedom vs. a
potential dictatorship. We do not know him
personally, so we must pay attention to his words.
This site is written, and maintained by a Conservative/Libertarian who agrees politically more with Donald Trump than Joe Biden. Rarely, do I vote for any Democrat candidate.
This site attempts to be 100%
accurate. If you believe any information, video
clip, or post is taken out of context, please reach
out! Many "out of context" charges against
Donald Trump by the mainstream media were rejected
when making this site.
This site was launched July 4, 2024
Voters against Trump
Club for
43 Alumni
for America
for Prosperity
Voters for Harris
for the Rule of Law
for Harris
Republicans for Harris
Republicans for Harris
Carolina Republicans for Harris
Republicans for Harris
cash app$rogueresearcher |