Fake News or Fact?

Fake News or Fact.com


Former President Trump has denied any association with "Project 2025"—although
he has said he agrees with a few of their goals. This recent undercover video however, has one of the projects directors stating that Trump knows about these plans, but they are secret:

Donald Trump with Project 2025 director, which he has known for years

The former President has known this man—and other architects of this planfor years. Some of these people were in his cabinet, including:
Mandy Gunasekara
Former head of the EPA
William Perry Pendley
Former head of the Bureau of Land Management
Bernard McNamee
Served in the energy department
Source: Project 2025 manual.
This plan would upend society, by force. Many of these goals are also found in Agenda 47, supported by Trump. Some of these "goals" would greatly curtail our constitutional rights.

Give Police Immunity?

Fake News or Fact?

SEE EVIDENCE Truth Pocial Post 01/19/2024
“You can’t stop police from doing the job of strong & effective crime prevention because you want to guard against the occasional ‘rogue cop’ or ‘bad apple,’” Trump added. “Sometimes you just have to live with ‘great but slightly imperfect."

Statement made at Rally (March 2024)

Stop and frisk post (link opens Video in a New Browser)

Appears to condone Police Brutality
context: police apprehending illegal immigrants
Police "dont be so nice"
(link opens Video in a New Browser)
Police Immunity Even for the Massey shooting?
The former President's lack of response for this deplorable action speaks volumes.
The Complete Massey Video:

Complete Massay Video Link
(link opens Sangamon County Sheriff's Office YouTube Video in a New Browser)
The former President's lack of response:
Trump's lack of response to Massey shooting
(link opens YouTube Video in a New Browser)
Trump claims he isn't familiar with the case, yet motions as though the woman was attempting to throw water at the officer.

Giving Police immunity is also proposed in Agenda 47

Give Police immunity from prosecution?

Is this what you believe?

Give Police Power to "Stop and Frisk?"

Fake News or Fact?


Stop and frisk post 

(click to open in a New Browser)
Stop and frisk post Click image to open video in new window

Police already have the power to "stop and frisk" but must have probable cause. The supreme court has ruled that this is your fourth amendment right under the constitution.
"Reasonable Suspicion that the suspect is
armed and dangerous"
(Stop and Frisk Law)

Donald Trump supports removing this fourth amendment right, and giving the police power to search you at any time. Similar to Russia, North Korea, China, or Nazi Germany.

This is also proposed in Agenda 47

2020: Trump calls Bloomberg a racist for supporting "stop and frisk"

Fox and Friends Interview Audio:
"Stop, frisk, confiscate guns"
Context: Illegal immigrants taken into custody by police.

Ask Yourself:

Do you want Police to have power to search YOU without probable cause? 

Do you want them to have this power—and be given immunity from prosecution?

Stop, and frisk without probable cause?

Is this what you believe?

Jail Political Foes?

Fake News or Fact?

SEE EVIDENCE Stop and frisk post Click to open video in a new window

Weaponize the Department of Justice?

Against Political enemies Click image to open in new window

Against political enemies Click image to open in new window

Ask Yourself:

Trump ReTruthed this post calling for "military tribunals" of his political foes

Against political enemies

Click image to view Truth social post

Do "two wrongs make a right"?

If the President can send the government after them...how long until they use it against YOU?

Abuse the power of government to go after political foes? Military Tribunals?

Is this what you believe?

Promotes Execution?

Fake News or Fact?


As a private citizen, Donald Trump called for the death penalty for five teenagers in this full page ad in the New York Times, purchased for  $85,000:

death penalty Click image to open link in new window

Later, the teenagers charged were exonerated. Innocent kids would have been executed. Police pressured these kids into a confession for a crime they did not commit. Yet, despite this, Donald Trump refused to apologize:

no apology Video opens in new window

Who among us goes out of their way promote the execution of teenagers—and would spend $85,000 to try?

Death Penalty for drug dealers
Several times Donald Trump has called for the death penalty for drug dealers.

Stop and frisk post Video opens in new window

He admires North Korea's policy of executing drug dealers

Stop and frisk post Video opens in new window

In this interview, he says that under certain circumstances, even cannabis dealers can get the death penalty:

Stop and frisk post Video opens in new window

There are several problems with this:

1. The United States has signed a treaty with 170 countries, called the United Nations' International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights This treaty bans the death penalty for drug dealers.
2. Numerous times the police have wrongly charged people guilty of only simple possession with distribution.
3. Anyone can be "set up."

In these videos, Donald Trump appears to admire the way communist regimes quickly try, and execute drug dealers. And, considering the ad he purchased in the New York Times, would these "executed" drug dealers include kids?

He mused about executing a General

Stop and frisk post Click image to open in new window
A true leader must recognize that his words have consequences. After this mused threat, General Milley had to take precautions:
 General Milley
Video opens in new window

Claim: Execute the disabled?

Donald Trump's nephew claims Trump once seriously talked about executing disabled peopleincluding his own son! Of course, anyone can write a book for money. So, it is the former President's word against his nephew's. However, this might be possible considering all of the other times Donald Trump has supported executions. If so, it is extremely heartless to say this about your own nephew's son.

He "made sure of it"—Executed five people before he left office

"Five people have been executed in the run-up to President-elect Joe Biden's 20 January inauguration - breaking with an 130-year-old precedent of pausing executions amid a presidential transition.
They make Mr Trump the country's most prolific execution president in more than a century, overseeing the executions of 13 death row inmates since July of this year."—BBC NEWS.

In Trump’s final days, a rush of federal executions
This issue is alarming, especially after considering other actions, planned actions, and statements by Donald Trump listed on this website.


Terminate the Constitution?

Fake News or Fact?


President Trump's Truth Social Post

In response to claims of a stolen election, former President Trump posted this on December 3, 2022:

Truth Social Post Click image to open in new window

As President, Donald Trump swore to uphold the constitution.

Ask yourself:

If the Constitution were suspended, who would determine the winner of elections? The mob? The Government?

After this post, President Trump denied he ever said it:

Truth Social Post
click image to open in new window

Former President Trump called his previous post "Fake News!

Suspend the Constitution?

Is this what you believe?

Export ban video

The Oil Export Ban, OPEC, Inflation, and your Wallet
Video linked to YouTube
Opens in a New Browser
4.5 minutes

The #1 issue driving voters to Donald Trump is inflation, and the economy. This video explains how actions he took 10 months before he left office caused higher gas prices.

You tube link to share:

President Trump called for a oil production cut—a major cause of current inflation?

Fake News or Fact?


Facts about the Oil Crisis

  • Between 2018 and 2019 the Trump Administration passed 52 sanctions against Russia
  • Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the oil industry suffered over-supply
  • Because of this, Russia and Saudi Arabia agreed in December to meet again in March 2020, to finalize an oil supply cut. It was going to be 2.2 million barrels a day.
  • In February 2020, less than one month before their meeting, the Trump Administration levied sanctions against Russia's largest oil producer, Rosneft.
  • About two weeks before this, American officials warned this action could disrupt the oil markets. Trump didn't listen.
  • The next month, Russia walked out of the meeting with OPEC, and began a price war.
  • This was at the advice of one of Putin's closest allies...the president of the oil company which Trump had just imposed sanctions—Rosneft—only weeks before the OPEC meeting!
    "Sechin, a close associate of President Vladimir Putin, was reportedly behind Russia's decision."(Russia's Rosneft Chief Downplays Rift With Saudis, Seeks Quick Oil-Price Rebound)
  • The falling gas prices caused the stock market to crash...only months before the election. Over 100 oil companies went bankrupt.
  • Trump then threatened Saudi Arabia with sanctions unless they cut supply
  • Donald Trump then negotiated the largest oil cut in history—ten percent. Instead of the planned 1.2—2.2 million barrels a day, 10 million barrels per day were cut.
  • The Next Month, the Trump Administration promised to lift sanctions on Rosfnet.
  • Since that time, OPEC and Russia expanded this cut.
  • Trump threatened Saudi Arabia

    Stop and frisk post

    Click image to open in new window

    Video: Trump Negotiated Gas supply cuts

    oil prices good Click image to open in new window
    After threatening to withdraw military aid to Saudi Arabia unless they cut production, Trump negotiated a meeting between OPEC and Russia, and they agreed to the largest production cut in history.
    Brokered deal

    Ask Yourself:

    If Donald Trump had waited only one month to impose sanctions on Russia's largest oil producer—until after the OPEC meeting—would that have avoided the price war caused by Putin's closest ally?
    With no price war, would the reduction have been far less?
    Since this time, Russia and Saudi Arabia have refused attempts made by the Biden Administration to increase production.
    OPEC cut production again in 2022.
    A controversial bill did pass the Senate, but it stalled, with no further action taken by Congressleaving gas prices high.
    The increase in transportation costs is the main cause of the recent rise in food prices. It began with Donald Trump, who negotiated the largest production cut in history.
    It should have been far less.
    OPEC has announced they
    will not raise oil production until 2025.

    How OPEC benefits from a production cut

    Oil Prices fell during the price war Donald Trump helped create (by imposing sanctions on Putin's closest ally, merely weeks before the OPEC meeting,) and began to rise after President Trump's speech in March 2020, and subsequent negotiations.

    Oil Price Chart Click image to open in new window

    The current oil cut funds Russia's war in Ukraine

    "Oil prices have risen, meaning drivers are paying more for gasoline and truckers and farmers more for diesel. The increase also complicates the global fight against inflation and feeds Russia’s war chest...Oil is Russia’s main moneymaker, so higher prices help the Kremlin pay for its invasion of Ukraine..."

    How oil price hikes boost Russia’s war as drivers pay more for gas

    Ask Yourself:

    If high gas prices help fund Russia's war now, isn't is reasonable to assume the first supply cut—which raised their revenue—may have helped fund the initial invasion?
    Stop and frisk post Click image to open link

    Ask Yourself:

    Since President Trump's chief of staff Jared Kushner helped negotiate this deal, Is it possible the 2 Billion dollars he received from the Saudi Government had something to do President Trump's negotiated deal?
    At this point, we don't know.

    Told Donors he would have "bombed Moscow"

    Fake News or Fact?

    According to a news report, President Trump suggested at a fund raising event, he would have bombed Moscow.
    "The publication said it reached out to the Trump Campaign with “detailed questions about his fundraising requests” but only received “a statement in support of his efforts.”
    Trump Allegedly Suggested He Would Have Bombed Beijing and Moscow. The Kiev Post.

    This report made international headlines. Even in this Ukranian newspaper. As of this writing, three weeks have passed, and the Trump campaign has yet to deny this report.
    This threat was made in May 29, 2024. This was merely one week after Russia began nuclear drills to warn the West.

    Ask Yourself:

    Is it smart to make such a threat, when Russia is threatening Nuclear War?

    If this threat was made—was it stated merely to get donations—or is it a sign or mental instability?

    To date, No donor present at that meeting has come forth to deny this report!

    He said if there were a nuclear war, he would "push the button first."

    Fake News or Fact?


    According to a memoir to be released by the former Governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló, he was with President Trump touring hurricane damage, when the former President said :

    “‘Nature has a way of coming back...Who knows with nuclear warfare what will happen …But I tell you what... ‘If nuclear war happens, we won’t be second in line pressing the button.’” Trump off-hand comment on nukes 'floored' Puerto Rico's governor: new book

    As of this date, the Trump campaign has not denied this report. If it does, it will be the former Governors word against the former President. However, compare this claim to a similar post he previously tweeted:

    Stop and frisk post Click image to open in new window

    Because there is no audio or video of the conversation with the former Governor—you decide if this is true.

    Ask Yourself:

    Is this report possible, considering other statements, and actions listed on this site?

    If true, is this a sign of dangerous egomania?

    Claimed Russia had a nuclear weapon that could destroy the majority of the east coast

    Fake News or Fact?

    SEE EVIDENCE Nuclear weapons east coast
    Click to open video in a new window

    Donald Trump made this statement after several threats made by Vladimir Putin that Russia would attack the United States with nuclear weapons.
    To our knowledge, this statement is false. The most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated is the TZAR bomb.

    If this statement is true, the former President revealed classified information illegally.

    He made a similar claim in an interview he gave to Bob Woodward.

    Ask Yourself:

    Considering his potential reelection— is it smart to make such a threat—while Russia is on nuclear alert?

    If this threat was made, was it stated to get votes from spreading fear—or is it a sign or mental instability?

    Admired Dictators and terrorist groups

    Fake News or Fact?


    The following are irresponsible statements made by Donald Trump, praising dictators:

    Let Russia do what they want

    Stop and frisk post Video opens in new window

    In this clip, former President Trump appears to put money before human lives, and international relations. If he is correct in his position, our allies should be threatened to "pay up" behind the scenes, not publically.
    When the timing of these words are considered, how can this be responsible?. More than 10,000 people have been killed by Russia. Europe is afraid of further incursions. And candidate Trump tells Russia to do "what the hell they want."

    Hamas "vicious and smart"

    Stop and frisk post Video opens in new window

    Ask Yourself:
    Does calling "HAMAS" "smart" embolden them, after they killed 1,139, and kidnapped 251 people?
    Did public criticism of Benjamin Netanyahu during the initial attack help or hurt Israeli unity?

    Hezbollah "smart"

    Nuclear weapons east coast

    Click to open video in new window

    Ask Yourself:
    Does calling HEZBOLLAH "smart" embolden them to open up a northern front in this war?

    "Getting Rid of Journalists"

    VOICE OF AMERICA: To Reporters, Trump-Putin Banter About Getting 'Rid' of Journalists No Laughing Matter

    Trump Denies Russia had anything to do with the death of Journalists

    Click image to open in new window

    List of Journalists killed in Russia

    Ask Yourself:
    How could the President of the United States believe this, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary?
    How could he joke about all of these people imprisoned, and killed for free speech?

    Believes the North Korean dictator had nothing to do with Journalist Otto Warmbier's Death

    Otto Warmbier Click image to open in new window

    Ask Yourself:

    How could the President of the United States take this dictator "at his word?

    "A Great Leader"

    "Well, I want to just say it’s an honor to be with Chairman Kim. It’s an honor to be together in, really, a country, Vietnam, where they’ve really rolled out the red carpet and they’ve — they’re very honored to have us. And it’s great to be with you...And as I’ve said many times — and I say it to the press, I say it to anybody that wants to listen: I think that your country has tremendous economic potential. Unbelievable. Unlimited. And I think that you will have a tremendous future with your country — a great leader. And I look forward to watching it happen and helping it to happen. And we will help it to happen."

    Remarks by President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in a 1:1 Conversation

    He wants us to stand at attention.

    Stop and frisk post
    Click image to open in new window

    These statements of candidate Trump are alarming. Especially after he bragged about how he wants US citizens to sit up, and stand at attention, as the do in North Korea!

    Ask Yourself:

    Is the desire to have people subservient to you a sign that "power corrupts?"

    The President of Turkey "Strong"

    "Thank you very much. And it's a great honor and privilege—because he's become a friend of mine—to introduce President Erdogan of Turkey. He's running a very difficult part of the world. He's involved very, very strongly, and frankly, he's getting very high marks. And he's also been working with the United States."
    Donald Trump, 2017 (Remarks prior to a meeting with President Erdogan of Turkey and Exchange With Reporters in New York City

    2016-2017 Turkey civil rights abuses

    Claim: Admires Hitler?

    President Trump has recently used rhetoric similar to that found in Adolph Hitler's writings. He responded by denying he ever owned a copy of "Mein Kampf." However, he previously acknowledged owning a copy of this book in an interview. He claimed a Jewish friend gave him this book. The friend, who is not Jewish, said the book was "My New Order"—a collection of Hitler's speeches. Trump's ex-wife, coincidentally, told her lawyer he read kept this same book next to his bed. There is also a report that he praised Hitler to John Kelly.

    There is no way to confirm or deny these reports. However, considering Trump's admiration for other dictators, does this really matter?

    The leader of the free world should not admire dictators who have a track record of being against freedom, and individual rights. That sends a bad message to the people who suffer in their countries. This footage can be used by these communist regimes. These statements could also damage US relations.

    When considered by themselves, these actions might not appear that alarming. But when considered together—with all of the other information on this site—they are a "warning sign" that everyone must register, and vote this election to protect our freedoms.

    Claim: Mentally Unstable?

    Donald Trump's nephew claims the President is mentally unstable. He calls him "atomic crazy." Of course, the Trump campaign has denied this, and anyone writing a book for money can make any claim. However, Trump's niece has also made this charge, and many of Trump's former cabinet officials have also made this claim. If true, this makes any position the candidate takes prior to his (possible) reelection subject to immediate change. Furthermore, mental illness is the one element that has turned dictators into mass murderers. So, two relatives, and former aides who have met him have this opinion.

    Signs of a "Police State"

  • Giving the leader immunity (making him a King)
  • Stop and Frisk without probable cause
  • Giving law enforcement immunity
  • Using Government resources to persecute political enemies
  • Execution, or imprisonment over crimes that cause little harm
  • Americans must resist any leader who believes these things. They are at odds with the principles of the Constitution, and resistance to this type of tyranny was the reason this nation was founded. 

    Why would Americans vote to give up their rights?

    Financial Times. Adults who are losing faith in with Democracy

    The number of American who believe in freedom is falling. These people are more likely to accept talk of dictatorship and populism.

    Financial Times: Naivety about Trump threatens all our futures

  • Many people believe Democracy doesn't work
  • This is based on frustration of only the past few years
  • Many have no idea what it's like to live under a dictatorship, or a Communist regime
  • For this reason, they have developed an "ends justifies the means" mentality, and would vote for someone promising to achieve their goals by force
  • This view ignores the fact the country is split 50/50 politically, and such actions would create chaos and anarchy.
  • Once Americans vote away our rights, anyone of any political belief could later use the same system or actions later, to force their way on the country.
  • True Americans support the right of their fellow citizens to disagree.

  • Purge Government Employees?

    Donald Trump has plans to re-institute "Schedule F" and replace thousands of Government employees with people who only agree with him. The problem with this? In America, we all have the right to our opinions. The country is split ideologically about 50/50. For 140 years, every President has appointed people who agrees with them, but Congress has to appoint them. Such a "purge" of people who disagree is an action of dictatorships. Since America is split ideologically, this would likely cause the next Democrat President to do the same! In the future, conservatives would also lose their representation in government.

    List of Republicans, including former aides, who will not vote for him

    Source: Wikipedia
    White House
    George W. Bush, President of the United States (2001–2009) Governor of Texas (1995–2000)

    Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States (2001–2009), United States Secretary of Defense (1989–1993), U.S. Representative from Wyoming's at-large congressional district (1979–1989), White House Chief of Staff (1975–1977), White House Deputy Chief of Staff (1974–1975)
    Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States (2017–2021) under Trump, Governor of Indiana (2013–2017), U.S. Representative from IN-06 (2003–2013), U.S. Representative from IN-02 (2001–2003)
    Cabinet-level officials
    John Bolton, U.S. National Security Advisor (2018–2019), Ambassador to the United Nations (2005–2006)
    Dan Coats, Director of National Intelligence (2017–2019), U.S. Senator from Indiana (1989–1999; 2011–2017)
    William Cohen, United States Secretary of Defense (1997–2001), U.S. Senator from Maine (1979–1997)[9]
    John Danforth, United States Ambassador to the United Nations (2004–2005), U.S. Senator from Missouri (1976–1995)

    Mark Esper, United States Secretary of Defense (2019–2020), United States Secretary of the Army (2017–2019)
    Alberto Gonzales, United States Attorney General (2005-2007)[12]
    Chuck Hagel, United States Secretary of Defense (2013–2015), co-chair of President's Intelligence Advisory Board (2009–2013), U.S. Senator from Nebraska (1997–2009) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    John F. Kelly, White House Chief of Staff (2017–2019), United States Secretary of Homeland Security (2017) (Independent)
    Ray LaHood, United States Secretary of Transportation (2009–2013), U.S. Representative from IL-18 (1995–2009), member of the Illinois House of Representatives from the 72nd district (1982–1983) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Other executive branch officials
    Robert D. Blackwill, United States Ambassador to India (2001–2003) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Ty Cobb, White House Special Counsel (2017–2018), Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland in (1981–1986)
    Ronald Gidwitz, Acting U.S. Ambassador to the European Union (2020–2021), U.S. Ambassador to Belgium (2018–2021), chair of the Illinois State Board of Education (1999–2003) (endorsed Chris Christie)
    Alyssa Farah Griffin, White House Director of Strategic Communications (2020), Press Secretary of the U.S. Department of Defense (2019–2020), Press Secretary to the Vice President (2017–2019) and co-host of The View
    Stephanie Grisham, White House Communications Director and White House Press Secretary (2019–2020) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Michael E. Guest, United States Ambassador to Romania (2001–2004) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Cassidy Hutchinson, executive assistant to the White House Chief of Staff (2020–2021)
    John Lehman, United States Secretary of the Navy (1981–1987)
    Rosario Marin, U.S. Treasurer (2001–2003), Mayor of Huntington Park, California (1999–2000), Member of the Huntington Park, California City Council (1994–2001) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Sarah Matthews, Deputy White House Press Secretary (2020–2021)
    John McKay, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington (2001–2007) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    H. R. McMaster, U.S. National Security Advisor (2017–2018)
    Harriet Miers, White House Counsel (2005–2007), White House Deputy Chief of Staff (2003–2005), and White House Staff Secretary (2001–2003)
    Omarosa Manigault Newman, Communications Director of the Office of Public Liaison (2017–2018)
    Elizabeth Neumann, DHS Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism and Threat Prevention (2018–2020), DHS Deputy Chief of Staff (2017–2018), Homeland Security Council (2003–2006)
    Karen Pence, Second Lady of the United States (2017–2021), First Lady of Indiana (2013–2017)
    Jeanne Phillips, United States Ambassador to the OECD (2001–2002)
    Anthony Scaramucci, White House Communications Director (2017) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Marc Short, Chief of Staff to the Vice President (2019–2021) (endorsed Mike Pence)
    Richard V. Spencer, United States Secretary of the Navy (2017–2019)
    Miles Taylor, Chief of Staff of the United States Department of Homeland Security (2019)
    Jay Town, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama (2017–2020)
    Olivia Troye, Homeland Security and Counterterrorism advisor and lead COVID-19 advisor to the Vice President (2018–2020) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Bill Cassidy, U.S. Senator from Louisiana (2015–present), U.S. Representative from LA-06 (2009–2015)
    Susan Collins, U.S. Senator from Maine (1997–present)
    Jerry Moran, U.S. Senator from Kansas (2011–present), U.S. Representative from KS-01 (1997–2011)
    Lisa Murkowski, U.S. Senator from Alaska (2002–present)
    Mitt Romney, U.S. Senator from Utah (2019–present), 2012 nominee for president, Chair of the Republican Governors Association (2005–2006), Governor of Massachusetts (2003–2007)
    Todd Young, U.S. Senator from Indiana (2017–present), U.S. Representative from IN-09 (2011–2017)
    Rudy Boschwitz, U.S. Senator from Minnesota (1978–1991), United States Ambassador to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (2005–2006)
    Bob Corker, U.S. Senator from Tennessee (2007–2019)
    Jeff Flake, Ambassador to Turkey (2022–present), U.S. Senator from Arizona (2013–2019), U.S. Representative from AZ (2001–2013)
    Gordon J. Humphrey, U.S. Senator from New Hampshire (1979–1990)
    Alan Simpson, U.S. Senator from Wyoming (1979–1997)
    Pat Toomey, U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania (2011–2023), U.S. Representative from PA-15 (1999–2005)
    U.S. representatives
    David Joyce, U.S. Representative from OH-14 (2013–present)
    Thomas Massie, U.S. Representative from KY-04 (2012–present)
    David Valadao, U.S. Representative from CA-22 (2023–present), U.S. Representative from CA-21 (2013–2019, 2021–2023)
    Gresham Barrett, former U.S. Representative from SC-03 (2003–2011) (endorsed Nikki Haley)
    John Boehner,
    former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (2011–2015), U.S. Representative from OH-08 (1991–2015)
    Mo Brooks, U.S. Representative from AL-05 (2011–2023), Member of the Madison County Commission (1996–2011)
    Susan Brooks,
    former U.S. Representative from IN-05 (2013–2021) (endorsed Chris Christie)
    Rod Chandler, WA-08 (1983–1993),
    former member of the Washington House of Representatives from the 45th district (1975–1983) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Liz Cheney,
    former U.S. Representative from WY-AL (2017–2023), Chair of the House Republican Conference (2019–2021)
    Tom Coleman, MN-06 (1976–1993),
    former member of the Minnesota House of Representatives from the 21st district (1973–1976) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Barbara Comstock,
    former U.S. Representative from VA-10 (2015–2019)
    Mike Gallagher, U.S. Representative from WI-08 (2017–2024)
    Anthony Gonzalez, U.S. Representative from OH-16 (2019–2023)
    Wayne Gilchrest, MD-01 (1991–2009) (endorsed Kamala Harris)[15]
    Jim Greenwood, PA-08 (1993–2005),
    former member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from the 143rd district (1981–1986), former member of the Pennsylvania Senate from the 10th district (1987–1993) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Will Hurd,
    former U.S. Representative from TX-23 (2015–2021) (former candidate for president, endorsed Haley)
    John Katko, U.S. Representative from NY-24 (2015–2023)
    Adam Kinzinger,
    former U.S. Representative from IL-16 (2013–2023), former U.S. Representative from IL-11 (2011–2013) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    John LeBoutillier, NY-06 (1981–1983) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Mia Love, U.S.
    former Representative from UT-04 (2015–2019)
    Susan Molinari, NY-13 (1993-1997), NY-14 (1991-1993),
    former Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference (1995-1997), member of the New York City Council from the 1st district (1986-1990) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Jack Quinn, NY-30 (1993–2005) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Tom Rice,
    former U.S. Representative from SC-07 (2013–2023)
    Denver Riggleman, VA-05 (2019-2021) (independent since 2022, endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Paul Ryan,
    former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (2015–2019), former U.S. Representative from WI-01 (1999–2019), 2012 nominee for Vice President
    Joe Scarborough,
    former U.S. Representative from FL-01 (1995–2001), host of Morning Joe (independent since 2017) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Claudine Schneider, RI-02 (1981-1991) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Chris Shays, CT-4 (1987–2009) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Peter Smith, VT-AL (1989–1991),
    former Lt. Governor of Vermont (1983–1987) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Alan Steelman, TX-05 (1973–1977) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    David Trott, MI-11 (2015–2019) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Fred Upton,
    former U.S. Representative from MI-06 (1993–2023), U.S. Representative from MI-04 (1987–1993)
    Joe Walsh,
    former U.S. Representative from Il-08 (2011–2013), candidate for president in 2020 (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Eric Holcomb, Governor of Indiana (2017–present), Lieutenant Governor of Indiana (2016–2017)
    Phil Scott, Governor of Vermont (2017–present), Lieutenant Governor of Vermont (2011–2017)
    Charlie Baker,
    former Governor of Massachusetts (2015–2023) and President of NCAA (2023–present)
    Jeb Bush,
    former Governor of Florida (1999–2007), candidate for president in 2016
    Chris Christie,
    former Governor of New Jersey (2010–2018), U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey (2002–2008)
    Jim Edgar, former Governor of Illinois (1991–1999) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Larry Hogan, former Governor of Maryland (2015–2023), Chair of the National Governors Association (2019–2020)
    Asa Hutchinson, former Governor of Arkansas (2015–2023), Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration (2001–2003), former U.S. Representative from AR-03 (1997–2001)
    John Kasich, former Governor of Ohio (2011–2019), 2000 and 2016 candidate for president, Chair of the House Budget Committee (1995–2001), U.S. Representative from OH-12 (1983–2001)
    Pat McCrory, former Governor of North Carolina (2013–2017)
    James G. Martin, former Governor of North Carolina (1985–1993)
    George Pataki, former Governor of New York (1995–2006), candidate for president in 2016
    Marc Racicot, former Governor of Montana (1993–2001), chair of the RNC (2001–2003)
    Bruce Rauner, former Governor of Illinois (2015–2019)
    Mark Sanford, former Governor of South Carolina (2003–2011), U.S. Representative from SC-01 (1995–2001 and 2013–2019), Republican candidate for U.S. President in 2020
    Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Governor of California (2003–2011), actor
    Bill Weld, former Governor of Massachusetts (1991–1997), candidate for president in 2020 (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Christine Todd Whitman, former Governor of New Jersey (1994–2001), Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (2001–2003) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Other statewide elected officials
    John Dougall, Auditor of Utah (2013–present), Utah State Representative from District 27 (2003–2013)
    Winsome Sears, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia (2022–present)
    Geoff Duncan, former Lieutenant Governor of Georgia (2019–2023), Member of the Georgia House of Representatives (2013–2017)(endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Bob Orr, former associate justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court (1995–2004) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Corey Stapleton, 2024 candidate for president, Secretary of State of Montana (2017–2021)
    Michael Steele, former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland (2003–2007), Chair of the RNC (2009–2011), co-host of MSNBC's The Weekend (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Cate Zeuske, Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (1996–2001), Treasurer of Wisconsin (1991–1995), Deputy Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Administration (2015–2018), Wisconsin State Assemblywoman from District 4 (1985–1991) and District 54 (1983–1985) (endorsed Ron DeSantis)
    Becky Edwards, Utah state representative from the 20th district (2009–2018)
    Peter Mills, Maine state senator from the 26th district (1996–2010) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Doug Coleman, member of the Arizona House of Representatives from the 16th district (2013–2019) and former mayor of Apache Junction, Arizona (1995–2007) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Paula Dockery, member of the Florida State Senate from the 17th district (2002–2012), member of the Florida House of Representatives from the 64th District (1996–2002) (Republican until 2017) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Susan Gerard, member of the Arizona Senate from the 18th district (2001–2003), member of the Arizona House of Representatives from the 18th district (1989–2001) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Carlos Guillermo Smith, Senator-elect from the 17th district, member of the Florida House of Representatives from the 49th District (2016–2020)
    Deb Gullett, member of the Arizona House of Representatives from the 11th district (2003–2005) and from the 18th district (2001–2003) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Pete Hershberger, member of the Arizona House of Representatives from the 26th district (2001–2008) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Joel John, member of the Arizona House of Representatives from the 4th district (2021–2023) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Roger Katz, member of the Maine Senate from the 15th district (2014–2018) and from the 24th district (2010–2014)(endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Steve May, member of the Arizona House of Representatives from the 26th district (1999–2003) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    John S. McCollister, member of the Nebraska Legislature from the 20th district (2015–2023) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Peter Mills, member of the Maine Senate from the 26th district (1996–2010) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Roberta Voss, member of the Arizona House of Representatives from the 19th district (1997–2003)(endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Bob Worsley, member of the Arizona Senate from the 25th district (2013–2019) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    John Giles, mayor of Mesa, Arizona (2014-present) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Steve Laffey, 2024 candidate for president, Mayor of Cranston, RI (2003–2007)
    J. Michael Luttig, Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (1991–2006), United States Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel (1990–1991)
    Bill Palatucci, Republican National Committeeman from New Jersey (2010–present)
    Jennifer Horn, New Hampshire Republican Party Chair (2013–2017), co-founder of The Lincoln Project (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Michael Steele, Lieutenant Governor of Maryland (2003–2007), Chair of the RNC (2009–2011). (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Amy Tarkanian, Nevada Republican Party Chair (2011–2012)
    Chris Vance, Chair of the Washington State Republican Party (2001–2006), Chair of the Washington State Forward Party (2022–2023) (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Other public figures
    John Anthony Castro, perennial candidate (candidate for president)
    George Conway, lawyer and activist, launched the Anti-Psychopath PAC in July 2024. (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    S. E. Cupp, political commentator
    Carly Fiorina, CEO of Hewlett-Packard (1999–2005) and candidate for president in 2016
    David Frum, political commentator and speech writer
    Robert Kagan, former Republican, former U.S. State Department official, Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution, contributor to The Washington Post
    Sarah Longwell, political strategist
    Meghan McCain, political commentator, daughter of 2008 nominee for President John McCain
    Ana Navarro, political commentator (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    Ramesh Ponnuru, political commentator
    Harry E. Sloan, Former chairman of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and SBS Broadcasting
    Eric Tanenblatt, former Chief of Staff to Sonny Perdue
    Fred Trump III, author, advocate for people with disabilities (endorsed Kamala Harris)
    George Will conservative columnist and political commentator who left the party in 2016 because of Trump

    The majority of these people have met him, worked with him, but the majority of his supporters haven't! This speaks volumes.

    Against Freedom of Speech?

    In this audio clip, recorded August 19, 2024 at a rally in Pennsylvania, the former President says people should be jailed for speaking against judges. If Judges, why not the President?
    It is our right as Americans to speak against judges, if we disagree:
    CATO INSTITUTE: Censoring Truthful Speech About Judges Violates the First Amendment
    And Donald Trump would take that right away.

    Republican Judge endorses Harris

    The endorsement of Judge J. Michael Luttig:
     "America’s two political parties are the political guardians of American Democracy. Regrettably, in the presidential election of 2024 there is only one political party and one candidate for the presidency that can claim the mantle of defender and protector of America’s Democracy, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law. As a result, I will unhesitatingly vote for the Democratic Party’s candidate for the Presidency of the United States, Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris. In voting for Vice President Harris, I assume that her public policy views are vastly different from my own, but I am indifferent in this election as to her policy views on any issues other than America’s Democracy, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law, as I believe all Americans should
    In the 2024 election for President of the United States, there are no more important issues for America. It is our Democracy, our Constitution, and our Rule of Law that bind us together as Americans. We Americans must never allow ourselves to be put asunder from this that binds us by the siren calls of the politicians and the political sophists, the mercenaries and the opportunists, who entreat us that the only thing that matters in this presidential election is the candidates’ different positions on the sundry policies of the day. All, as if nothing had come before. We Americans know all too well what has come before. We understand what the political class does not want us to understand. That in the presidential election of 2024, the candidates’ policy differences are the least that matters to the United States of America."

    Freudian Slip?

    "when I lost the election"

    "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks"
    —A great teacher

    January 6th House Judiciary Hearing. Several former aids testify under oath that he knew he lost:

    Stop and frisk post Click image to open in new window

    Conservative Republican Report: Lost, Not Stolen

    Supreme court

    The President is Above the Law?

    Police immunity

    Click image to open in new window

    Donald Trump argued before the Supreme Court the President should have FULL immunity, even to kill a political foe:

    Hear audio of the Supreme Court Discussion:


    The problem: what constitutes an "official act?"

    The dissenting opinion:

    “Today’s decision to grant former Presidents criminal immunity reshapes the institution of the Presidency...It makes a mockery of the principle, foundational to our Constitution and system
    Read More
    of Government, that no man is above the law...the majority today endorses an expansive vision of Presidential immunity that was never recognized by the Founders, any sitting President, the Executive Branch, or even President Trump’s lawyers, until now. Settled understandings of the Constitution are of little use to the majority in this case, and so it ignores them.”
    Justice Sonia Sotomayor

    Read decision

    This is an example of a bad Supreme Court decision. The Supreme Court has made other bad decisions, including:

    Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)
    Ruled African Americans were not US citizens
     Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
    Ruled Segregation was legal
    Buck v. Bell (1927)
    Ruled Forced Serializations were legal
    Korematsu v. United States (1944)
    Ruled African Americans were not US citizens

    Trump Claims Fake Elector Scheme "an official act."

    Thanks to Donald Trump, the Supreme Court has expanded the President's power beyond what the Founder's envisioned. As bad decisions in the past violated rights, the Court has set the precedent that any President could behave in a dictatorial manner. For this reason, we should take all of the statements, goals, and actions of candidate Trump listed on this website even more seriously!

    You wont have to vote again

    "You won't have to vote again"
    Is this bazaar statement a promise that American elections will be ended, or is it evidence that Trump plans to corrupt government to the point elections will not matter?

    Attempted to Use the "Insurrection Act"

    Fake News or Fact?

    The Insurrection Act would give the President emergency powers, and in some cases, suspend many Constitutional rights. In Article I, Section 9, Clause 2 of the Constitution, we read:

    "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."

    The Insurrection Act meets this criteria. It can be invoked because President Trump considers illegal immigration an "invasion."
    Presidents have invoked this act before, without suspending these rights. However, there is no way to "round up" illegal aliens without "house to house" checks. They likely have relatives that would hide them in their homes. Therefore, President Trump could be calling this an "invasion" with an intent suspend Habeas Corpus.

    He tried using the Act TWICE before
    It is reported Donald Trump suggested using the "Insurrection Act" during the protests over the murder of George Floyd, and during the January 6th protests.
    Donald Trump's own words appear to verify these claims, by statements that can only be true if this is his plan. At a campaign rally in Iowa last year, candidate Trump said:

    "New York City is a crime den. Chicago is a crime den. You look at these great cities, Los Angeles, San Francisco, you look at what’s happening to our country, we cannot let it happen any longer. And one of the other things I’ll do, because you’re supposed to not be involved in that, you just have to be asked by the governor or the mayor to come in, the next time, I’m not waiting. One of the things I did was let them run it, and we’re going to show how bad a job they do. Well, we did that. We don’t have to wait any longer. We got to get crime out of our cities. Thank you very much for a good question.” Donald Trump Speech in Davenport, Iowa 3/13/23 Transcript

    In this speech, Donald Trump clearly says he will take power away from State Governors, and Mayors, saying he made a mistake to "let them run it." The only way he could make this happen is by implementing the Insurrection Act.
    In addition to this, the former President has called for using the military for illegal immigration:

    "We will be using local law enforcement. And we will absolutely start with the criminals that are coming in. And they're coming in in numbers that we've never seen before." Interviewer: "Does that include using the U.S. military?' Trump: "It would. When we talk military, generally speaking, I talk National Guard... if I thought things were getting out of control, I would have no problem using the military, per se. We have to have safety in our country. We have to have law and order in our country." Full Transcripts of Donald Trump’s Interviews With TIME
    "We will assume control"
    When President Trump was about to invoke the insurrection act during the George Floyd Protests, he posted this:

    As stated, the only way Donald Trump could take power from State officials, is by invoking the Insurrection Act. Unless this happens, it is unconstitutional for the President to use the military inside the country.
    This fact means that candidate Trump's recent comments could be more than a mere joke. When asked if he would be a dictator, candidate Trump said no:
    "other than day one"
    Watch on YouTube
    Former President Trump was asked about retribution, but instead he linked these comments to closing the border. Yet, invoking the Insurrection Act would make him a dictator for longer than "one day!" How long would it take to find all of these illegal aliens, and deport them?
    After making these comments, candidate Trump took a poll on his social media, and asked what people wanted in a second term, including "dictator." He then posted the image of these results:

    Dictator post Click image to open in new window
    After this, former President Trump was among almost three thousand people—the majority his followers—who "ReTruthed" this post declaring that a Trump dictatorship was "inevitable":

     Stop and frisk post Click image to open in new window
    Because Donald Trump is arguing before the Supreme Court that the President is above the law— having absolute immunity, even to execute—every American should take these statements seriously.
    Has Donald Trump been recruiting his own militia to use if he takes control?
    This report in Forbes indicates Donald Trump could be quietly recruiting his own militia:
    2020: FORBES:
    A MAGA militia? How the President's campaign is recruiting an army for Trump

    TRUTHOUT: Trump Allies Forming “Army” of Ideological Loyalists for 2025 Power Grab

    This recent report indicates ally has been recruiting his own militia in New York City:
    NYT: A Trump Ally Is Training 75 Armed Citizens. Is That a Militia?

    This issue is more important than any other
    If Donald Trump were to invoke the Insurrection Act, your rights would likely be suspended. Under the guise of finding illegal immigrants, the police, national guard, and even military troops would be able to enter into your home or property without a search warrant. Some people might be assaulted, or killed defending their own property.
    And once inside, the Federal government might discover other issues.

    Claim: Trump asked former Defense Secretary Mark Esper asked about "shooting protestors."

    Trump shoot protestors
    Mr Esper repeated this charge in this interview on NPR:

    President Trump has denied this account. However, former Vice President Mike Pence reportedly witnessed this conversation. The media should question him about this.
    This report could be true, considering that the former President previously called for the execution of five teenagers— and this statement Trump made in a March 1990 interview in Playboy magazine about the Chinese Government's response to the Tiananmen Square protests:

     "When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength...That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak...as being spit on by the rest of the world."
    Reported in Business Insider.
    Entire Interview online (PAID)

      Later, candidate Trump claimed at a debate that he wasn't making a judgment, good or bad. However, the words "the Chinese government almost blew it" appear to contradict that. And since many were killed—what kind of leader would not want to make a judgment about a communist regime killing these protestors?

    The Constitution protects our rights. Never vote for anyone who talks about taking those rights away.

    A Dictator? Invoke Marshall Law?

    Is this what you believe?

    Had a "Fake elector" scheme to illegally overturn the election.

    Fake News or Fact?

    This issue is being tried in 3 states, and has yet to be decided by the courts. The States are:
    1. Arizona.
    This case has been thrown out, because it was tried in the wrong jurisdiction.
    Mark Meadows Arizona Indictment (PDF)
    2. Georgia.
    Georgia Indictment (PDF)
    3. Wisconsin.
    Wisconsin indictment
    Federal Indictment:
    United States vs. Donald Trump
    A man is innocent until proven guilty.
    However, multiple witnesses have come forth and testified to these actions.

    Called to defund the Justice Department, and FBI, merely because of his own case?

    Fake News or Fact?

    In the aftermath of the George Floyd riots, some liberal Democrats called to "defund the police." Former President Trump—and President Biden—rejected these calls. Trump tweeted:

    Defund Police
    Yet after this, when he was charged by the Justice Department, he posted:
    Defund FBI

    After this, Republicans followed President's trump's call:
    Stop and frisk post Click image to open in new window
    Stop and frisk post Click image to open in new window
    Stop and frisk post Click image to open in new window
    Our elected leaders long ago lost their integrity. Because of this, we need integrity in a President who leads them.
    To this date, there has been no evidence President Biden directed the FBI to raid Donald Trump's residence. But even if he did, this an example of selfishness getting in the way of leadership. De-funding the FBI wouldn't have any affect on Trump's current court cases.
    Despite this, Trump went even further, calling for Republicans to introduced legislature to shut down the Government unless the FBI was de-funded.
    This is an example of bad leadership. He is the "defacto" leader of his party, and his selfish misunderstanding of the law almost caused a serious issue.
    Attorney General Merrick Garland testified that defunding the FBI would be catastrophic:
    Trump shoot protestors
    Democrats were wrong calling for defunding the FBI over police brutality. But shutting down the government unless the FBI is defunded because of Donald Trump is somehow OK. In reality, it would help criminals, not Donald Trump!

    Ask Yourself:

    Is the willingness to defund an entire agency only for self, the sign of a true leader?

    America's Hitler?

    Former President Trump's running mate, J.D. Vance, once called candidate Trump "America's Hitler." He wrote:
    “I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical a**hole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler. How's that for discouraging?”
     Although not a public statement, such a charge is outrageous, and could lead to political violence. Adolph Hitler killed 6 million Jews. There is no indication candidate Trump would ever commit such a horror.
    However, the Vice President candidate's opinion likely had it's roots in some of Trump's outrageous statements, similar to those listed on this site.

    Misled About leaving Cannabis Legalization "up to the States"

    Fake News or Fact?

    Despite President Trump stating publicly when running for reelection he would "leave Cannabis legalization up to the States," he was doing the opposite behind the scenes. These actions prove his public words did not match his private actions:

    1. He had secret an "anti-cannabis cabinet" led first by Jeff Sessions, and then by Bob Barr.
    2. This cabinet had secret recommendations, that were given to the DEA, to implement after his reelection.
    3. President Trump had to be sued under the Freedom of Information act for the government to release this document.
    4. This document revealed a plan to move Cannabis to Schedule 2.

    These actions would have placed the same strict regulations on Cannabis that are now on opiate manufacturers.
    Because only large pharmaceutical companies have the money to meet these requirements, these actions would have shut down Dispensaries, and Grows.
    This, and many other actions catalogued in the book "Hidden Agenda: President Trump's Future War on Cannabis" disprove candidate Trump's public statements. He would likely have left this issue "up to the States" only until after his reelection.
    Recently, the former President has taken the position that Cannabis should be decriminalized nationwide. However—as outlined in the book—he previously publicly supported Cannabis legalization in Colorado, but the next day circulated a secret plan in the DEA to move Cannabis to Schedule 2.

    "Hidden Agenda: President Trump's Future War on Cannabis"
    Donate any amount and download today.

    Hidden Agenda


    Purchase Softcover on Amazon $14.95

    About Immigration

    Immigration attempts

    Since former President Trump left office, the number of immigration attempts have more than doubled, yet the number of border patrol agents has remained the same.
  • Many are attempting to enter the country because they fear a Trump reelection
  • A  bipartisan bill that would have put 1,500 more agents on the border, was opposed by Trump, stalled in the House
  • Republicans previously tried to impeach the border Czar Alejandro Mayorkas, Homeland Security Chief for this perceived problem—not Kamala Harris
  • Despite claims to the contrary, the Vice President toured the border
  • The Vice President also visited Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, to warn illegal immigrants they would be returned.
  • As Attorney General in California, Kamala Harris opposed San Francisco as a sanctuary city, and supported arresting undocumented juvenile immigrants. These reports were possibly the reason Donald Trump gave $5,000 to her reelection.
    Click to follow link original post

    Click to open in new window

    New Trump Meme.
    Click to open in new window

    Defund FBI

    There is a big difference between the first term of Donald Trump and a potential second term. In the first term, he faced reelection—and had to have some self control over his statements, and actions.

    To ignore his outrageous statements as only "showmanship" ignores how international relations could be damaged by this rhetoric, and if he invokes the "Insurrection Act"your Constitutional rights could be suspended.

    Trust no one with your freedoms.

    The issues of this election should not be liberal vs. conservative, but freedom vs. a potential dictatorship. We do not know him personally, so we must pay attention to his words.

    About this site

    This site is written, and maintained by a Conservative/Libertarian who agrees politically more with Donald Trump than Joe Biden. Rarely, do I vote for any Democrat candidate.

    This site attempts to be 100% accurate. If you believe any information, video clip, or post is taken out of context, please reach out! Many "out of context" charges against Donald Trump by the mainstream media were rejected when making this site.

    Liberty must be the #1 political issue.

    This site was launched July 4, 2024

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